How to Clean Garage Floor in Different Ways?

Cleaning the garage floor is not a simple task. It is not just sweeping or mopping kind of style. The garage floor is a big pool of dirt and stains. It requires particular skill and practice to clean the floor effectively.

The method of cleaning a garage floor depends on the type of the floor. If you have a concrete floor, you can use a scrubber, powerful washers, buffers, and other cleaning solutions. For epoxy coated floors, mild cleaning will suffice.

Basic Steps For Cleaning the Garage Floor

The aim of cleaning a garage floor is to remove the accumulated dust, remove stains and keep the work area clean. This can be achieved by using a set of tools and cleaning agents.

You can use mechanical devices or chemicals or a combination of both to complete the job.



The first step in cleaning the garage floor involves sweeping with a broomstick. Remove all tools or vehicles from the garage and start sweeping the floor with a broom. This will remove all macro dust particles and debris from the floor.



If your garage floor is made of concrete, scrubbing is the best way to start. Use any scrubber available in the market and scrub wherever you find layers of dust or stains. Once you do dry scrubbing (without any cleaning agent), cover all the electrical outlets and painted drywall (if you have) with plastic clothes.

There are plenty of concrete degreasers available in the market. You can buy any one according to your budget for degreasing your garage floor.

Additionally, you may require a deck brush, cleaning agent, and a high-pressure water source (hose).

Mix the cleaning agent of your choice in warm water and pour it on the floor. Use the deck brush and start scrubbing. A little bit of extra/heavy scrubbing is needed where there are thick or hard stains. Make sure that your cleaning mixture is not drying up.

Do scrubbing for 5-10 minutes and repeat it if necessary. After scrubbing, use your high-pressure water outlet to rinse or wash the floor.

If you can’t find a cleaning solution, you can use your liquid detergent which is used for washing clothes. Note that the liquid soap must have Trisodium Phosphate (TSP) in it.

Scrubbing the floor with a cleaning agent or detergent will remove the dirt or stains by a process called emulsification. The emulsified soil can be washed off easily.

Watch The Video: How to Clean a Garage Floor

Other Different Ways for Cleaning The Garage Floor

Apart from using a cleaning lotion or liquid detergent, there are other methods with which you can clean the garage floor efficiently. These ‘other’ methods are useful to remove stubborn stains of rust, oil, and grease.



Vinegar is very useful in removing rust stains. It is cheap and readily available in almost all stores nearby. Pour vinegar on the stain and let it act on it for about 5 minutes. You can see a slight effervescence which means that vinegar is dissolving the rust.

If needed, add some more vinegar to the rusted area. After 5 to 10 minutes, use the scrubber or deck brush and clean the area. You can wash with warm water as well.

Oxalic Acid

Oxalic Acid

Oxalic acid is also useful in removing rust stains. Pour oxalic acid on the rust stain and let it soak for about 5 minutes. Wash it off with water once you see that the acid has dissolved the rust stain.

The acid is commonly used in floor cleaners. It is also available in the form of powder detergents.

Hydrochloric Acid or Muriatic Acid

Hydrochloric Acid

Another effective ingredient for removing rust stains is the Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), also known as Muriatic Acid. It is very effective in removing tough rust stains. Carefully mix 1 part of acid to 10 parts of water and pour this solution on the stain.


The acid will dissolve the stain and wash it off with a high-pressure water source to clean the area. Be careful while handling the acid as it is powerful and can cause severe injuries if mishandled.

Kitty Litter

Kitty Litter

Kitty litter is very useful in removing the oil stains from your garage floor. You can buy it and is cheap. Use a non-clumping kitty litter and pour it uniformly on the oil stain.

Leave it for nearly 30 minutes for mild oil stains and overnight for thick/stubborn ones. Once the litter has absorbed the stain sweep it off with a broom. Multiple repetitions may be required for few days if the oil stains are too thick.

Power or Pressure Washer

Pressure Washer

A power or pressure washer is required if your garage floor isn’t cleaned for a long time or it has a lot of dust. The pressure washer can be used as an alternative to scrubbing, and it will save a lot of time too.

You can buy them or rent them from any cleaning agency nearest to you. Most of the power washers will allow adding a cleaning solution or degreaser to the water. If this option is not available, pour the degreaser on the floor and use the power washer on it.

Spray the water on the floor (along with degreaser) and pre-soak it for about 15 minutes. After pre-soaking, wash off with the power washer. For effective cleaning, work in sections.

Most pressure washers will have minimum 3000 psi. of pressure per inch. This pressure will create a scrubbing action thereby reducing the amount of time and stress.

Buffer or Floor Maintainers

Buffer or Floor Maintainers

A buffer or floor maintainer is similar to hand scrubber but is powered by electricity. It has nylon heads and will effectively clean the floor like any other scrubber or power washer.

Apply the detergent liquid or degreaser to the floor and use the buffer over it. Clean the area with the water hose or power washer after using the buffer.

Cleaning Garages with Epoxy Flooring

Cleaning Garages with Epoxy Flooring

Cleaning of epoxy floors does not require heavy cleaning or scrubbing methods. A simple mopping or sweeping with a broom will remove the debris with ease. After mopping the dust or debris, clean with the floor with ammonia.

Mix 120 ml of ammonia (NH3) in one gallon of water and clean the floor with a foam mop. Do not use a detergent based cleaner for the epoxy floor as it will leave residue on the floor. If there are any residues, use warm water to remove them.

If the stains are tough, use a scrubbing sponge along with warm water.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it right to use detergent based cleaner for concrete floor garage?

Yes, detergent-based cleaners are very useful for cleaning the concrete floors.

How much pressure is required for a pressure washer?

The minimum amount of pressure required is 3000 pounds per inch.

Is it okay to use a pressure washer for a prolonged period on stubborn stains?

Exposing the floor to the pressure washer for a prolonged period will scratch the floor and make it rough. If the stain is not removable with a pressure washer, use a buffer or deck brush.

What are the best hand scrubbers for cleaning the concrete floor?

A cheap deck brush is handy in cleaning the concrete floor. It will have hardened and thick bristles which will effectively remove the dirt and stains.

What precautions must be taken while cleaning the garage floor?

Seal all the lower electrical outlets before cleaning. Make sure there is an outlet for draining the water. Cover the lower wall painting with plastic clothes to avoid water splash stains. As the cleaning area will be slippery, wear shoes that have good grip.


With proper equipment and knowledge, cleaning the garage floor will be an easy process. For effective cleaning, it requires little practice. Clean the garage floor every 3 to 4 months. This makes it easy to clean as you may not find stubborn stains.

Read all instructions if you are using commercial degreasers or rust removers to avoid unnecessary complications.

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