9 Vehicle Safety Checklist To Ensure a Safe Drive on the Road

Are you aware that checking some parts on your car can save you in another way? Some accidents occur only because of the negligence of the car owner or driver.

The number of cars involved in road accidents has been steadily rising over the past years despite the numerous technological advancement and strict traffic road regulations that have been put in place to ensure good road safety.

There have been many car accidents and approximately a half of the total accident leading to serious injuries. This car accident leads to big financial losses every year!

Some of the contributing factors to these alarming numbers of accidents are:

  • Distracted driving
  • Over-speeding
  • Driving under drug influence
  • Failure to perform a safety checklist

To reduce the risk of car accident, drivers should be cautious, follow the road traffic regulations, avoiding destruction, and maintain their vehicles regularly.

Car Maintenance is routine vehicle inspections carried out to not only enhance safe driving but also to increase the lifespan of your vehicle.

It is recommended to carry out a comprehensive vehicle inspection at the auto shop for every 5000 miles and home inspection for every 1000 miles covered by the vehicle.

You should make sure that you do not miss the inspection routines since most of the automobile shops have a checklist consisting of all the parameters that are fundamental to your car safety.

Below, find some tips that will help you and your family get safe and smooth drives:

9 Vehicle Safety Tips For Every Rider

1. Avoid Distraction While Driving 

Avoid Distraction While Driving

To enhance driver and car’s safety, drivers should avoid all tasks that may distract them while driving. Most common distraction factors that disturb the driver’s attention while driving may include changing CD's, using their cellphones, tuning on their car radios and checking their navigation tools while driving.

To avoid these interference's from causing accidents, you are advised to pull over your car to the roadsides in case of urgent distraction such as an emergency text message or cell phones.

2. Safety Rating

Safety Rating

Before purchasing a car, one is required to focus on the car safety rating since vehicle accidents do happen anywhere and at any time. An advantage of investing in a highly safety rated car is that in case of an accident the car will incur less life and property damage compared to a lowly safety rated cars.

3. Look For A Highly Accredited Mechanic

Accredited Mechanic

A highly experienced and accredited mechanic will play a big role in ensuring your car safety. To get a good mechanic, you need to consult on the mechanic's experiences.

After consultations, you need to get a mechanic with the best recommendations and accreditation's to work on your automobile. Many of the best car insurance companies have a good network of dealers giving good car services with a warranty.

4. Ensure Child Safety 

Ensure Child Safety

To ensure your safety, you need to make sure that; your car has seat belts that fit everyone, have car seats locking systems for infants and enough toys and snacks to make sure that your children are engaged in playing with toys and eating snacks so that they will not distract you as you safely drive.

5. Perform Safety Checklist For Long Distance Road Trips 

Long Distance Road Trips

If you realize that you will be driving for a long distance, you need to come up with a pre-trip checklist that should include a detailed examination of your car together with its parts.

It is also equally important for you to get a copy of the checklist from your accredited auto garage mechanic.

Some of the safety checklists are as follows:

1. Tire Pressure

Tire Pressure

2. Fluid Level

Fluid Level

3. Brakes


4. Car Keys

Car Keys

5. Safety Belt

Safety Belt

6. Engine

Car Engine Test

7. Antitheft Device

Antitheft Device

This checklist will be your reference when you lack the time, or you are unable to take your car for a pre-trip checkup to an accredited auto garage mechanic. When checking to make sure you pay attention to your car’s spare tires, lights, batteries, wiper blades and coolant fluids.

6. Be Careful During Winter Driving

Winter Driving

When driving in winter, you need to be more careful by guiding against blind spots, being careful from steering in a skid direction and ensuring that you test windshield. If you stay in a snow-prone area, you should consider special car safety glasses, which are suited for driving on prone areas.

7. Driving At Night 

Driving At Night

Driving at night has its dangers and a precaution that drivers need to understand when driving at night to ensure and enhance safety car driving. When driving at night, you are supposed to drive slowly, keep headlights on low beam and avoid frequent stops.

8. Cars and Drivers Assessment 

Cars and Drivers Assessment

It is highly recommended to take an automobile risk assessment to understand the risk on the road considering your driving style and age. You can also equip yourself with certain techniques that will help you preempt crushes by taking a refresher course or defensive driving class.

By taking a refresher course or defensive driving class, you will be in better preparation of the road uncertainties and be more aware of other objects and driver on the road.  A refresher course is a great investment since it can get you an additional discount on your vehicle insurance for three years.

9. Cary Some Accessories

Cary Some Accessories

It is always advisable to carry with you some food, blanket, a basic toolkit, first aid kit, blanket, water and something like radium-light or orange-can that will assist you in case of emergencies by showing you a hazard sign.

Furthermore, it is also advisable to use anti-theft devices and airbags that can additionally enhance your safety in your car. If you usually drive the lonely road, you should ensure that you have a roadside assistance membership when driving.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

What does T-CLOC stand for in-car safety checklist?

T - Tires & Wheels

C - Controls

L - Lights

O - Oil /fluid levels

Why is vehicle safety check so important?

A vehicle safety check is essential for your safety. To make sure that your car is in excellent and safe condition, you must ensure that it is subjected to regular vehicle safety checks.

Why should I check the car radiator regularly? 

Radiators play a crucial role in driving the vehicle by maintaining the correct engine temperature level. Therefore, the coolant levels in the radiator or sump should be checked regularly. By having an expert carry out a thorough vehicle inspection, you can ensure that there are no leaks.

Why should I do engine oil check?

Engine oil controls help ensure that the oil is replenished to the maximum mark on the dipsticks and that the correct oil viscosity and type are used in the engine.

Should I install vehicle safety light?

Yes! A vehicle safety light is used to alert other road users of the intended road use of the particular vehicle or to warn the other road user when the car is in distress.


In a nutshell, we can conclude that car accident will continue to happen in spite of the numerous technological advancement and strict traffic road regulations put in place if drivers do not get self-conscious about their driving patterns and their vehicle conditions.

It is also essential for every driver to be alert, observe traffic road rules and regulations as well as to keep their cars in good conditions by performing routine maintenance. Each driver can make a difference in ensuring road safety!

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